****: All Subject Chinese Homeroom Teacher Reports to:All Subject Content Leader and Grade Level Leader Responsibilities: 1. Work in partnership with the International Teacher to deliver English classes across All-Subjects. This includes; rotating throughout the room during whole group instruction to monitor the behavior and assist students, working with small groups of students in need of extra assistance, and working to help the teacher to evaluate students’ needs. 2. Supervise students during transition times, such as traveling to and from PE classes, music classes, and any other class outside of the Homeroom classroom. 3. Supervise the children at lunch and recess with the assistance of the International homeroom teacher. 4. Communicate effectively and professionally with the parents of the students, and assist to help translate messages that need to be delivered by the International Teacher. 5. Assist in gathering materials or helping to prepare materials for the English learning classes. 6. Substitute for another Chinese homeroom teacher when needed. 7. Help manage the students’ social interactions and behavior, and communicate to the parents when needed. 8. Work in partnership with the International teacher to complete homeroom duties such as decoration, event planning, organization, and other school-sponsored events as needed. 9. Work in partnership with school leadership to complete any government requirements and documentation from the school. 岗位要求: 1.相关专业重点大学硕士及以上学历(有丰富任教经历的教师可放宽至本科)。 2.持教师资格证书并具备与学科相关的教学经验。 3.可全英工作教学。 4.有国际学校、重点中小学任教经历或相关岗位工作经验且业绩突出者优先; 5.具有良好的班级管理能力,有班主任经验优先 福利待遇: 01 高于行业水平的薪资; 02 灵活五险一金选项(可北上广深莞五选一),提供补充商业保险; 03 每年按绩效评定结果发放至少一个月薪资的绩效奖金(等同13薪); 04 按在校工作年限提供校龄奖; 05 每年提供个人培训基金、校内九大模块职业培训 |